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Seit 2009 in San Diego, Kalifornien, von Hand gefertigt • Maßgeschneidert nach Ihrer Größe für nur 298 $ • 99 % aller Bestellungen werden innerhalb von 24 Stunden versendet!
Seit 2009 in San Diego, Kalifornien, von Hand gefertigt • Maßgeschneidert nach Ihrer Größe für nur 298 $ • 99 % aller Bestellungen werden innerhalb von 24 Stunden versendet!

My wife is very pleased and said she could barely tell it was there.

Found the Elator doing a search for ED solutions. After trying nearly everything available, I was considering a surgical implant solution. That’s when I stumbled across the Elator. My experience with the product has been great. It worked exactly as promised. My wife is very pleased and said she could barely tell it was there. The sizing video and ordering process worked exceptionally well. Thank you Elator

Tim - Florida

Vorheriger Artikel I have peyronie's, therefore the need for this device.
Nächster Artikel The older model is a bit easier but the flex loop is much more comfortable so it’s worth the little extra time needed to put it on

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