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Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!
Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!

Once the device arrived and we tried it out, she no longer had concerns - and the sexual experience was the best we had in years!

 "As a 72 y/o with diabetes and taking medications for other medical conditions, I started experiencing ED. I spoke with my Dr. about it but was only recommended to try expensive ED mediations with label warnings that made them a poor fit with my medical history. Additionally, the expense was very considerable. Looking for ED solutions online, I found out about The Elator. I shared the website with my wonderful wife of 50+ years and we decided to order the free test kit, but when we went to order it, we discovered the offer for the free test kit, a bottle of (FANTASTIC) lubricant, and a $50 discount on the purchase of the device. Because of my obesity, my sweetheart had to do the measurements for me. Her only concern was whether it would change the sexual experience for her. Once the device arrived and we tried it out, she no longer had concerns - and the sexual experience was the best we had in years! Thank you for making a game-changing product and for your clear and straightforward information. The only recommendation I could add would be to include on the disk a brief video of a couple using the device; that would have helped greatly to alleviate my wife's initial concerns."

Alan B,  -  NC
Previous article My experience is fantastic

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