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Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!
Made by hand in San Diego California since 2009 • Custom made to your size for only $328-$368 • 99% of all orders ship within 24 hours!

I would recommend this for all who had the same problem or just ED.

 "I had prostate removed along with one of the nerves that helps the blood flow to keep aroused. Doctors told me I would never get aroused again and nothing can be done. Started researching online what can be done to achieve the feeling of being aroused again and I came across the Elator online and decided to try. This was the best thing that could happen to us, at first it was difficult to get the proper measurement but with trial and error I was able to come up with size. After coming in the mail, the first time using was a little difficult to place on, but once it was on my wife was very happy and able to enjoy sex like before. It really made a difference for us and it was all smooth sailing from then on. I would recommend this for all who had the same problem or just ED."

George  -  Mililani, HI

Previous article It is a most incredible experience to have the feelings I thought would never happen again

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